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About Us

Grow Fast is a multi-purpose, all in one, organic liquid fertilizer suitable for all kinds of fruit trees, leafy vegetables and lawns.

Natural & Earth friendly ingredient Prevents and reduces plant stress
Increased crop production and yield by upto 40%.

Grow fast organic fertilizer continues to improve the soil long after the plants have taken nutrients they need. Longer the soil is fed with organic fertilizer the better its composition and texture, moreover organic fertilizer is never cheaper the way Grow Fast is, in comparison to inorganic fertilizer.


A revolutionary, 100% organic fertilizer, comprising highly complex natural microbes and is an environmentally friendly soil conditioner and plant growth stimulant, with increased soil microbial properties: contains no growth hormones and no genetically modified organisms. Microbes have a profound effect on transformation of Nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil. However, Nitrogen is not the only element microbes can effectively fix into the soil. Microbes can solubilize Phosphorous and Iron among other elements. Grow Fast™ unlocks uncharted potential in a new system of biologically focused farming, sustainably.

Farmer in garden

Some of the benefits experienced by farmers:

Improved seed germination and germination vigor


Plant's root systems typically more than double in size


Plant's improved resistance to root rot


Plant's increased ability to handle transplant shock Much larger crop yields


Nutritious crops Reduction in use of chemical fertilizers (N-P-K by 25% - 50%)


Increased profit per hectare


Beneficial soil microbes: increased microbial populations and activity


Reduction in watering requirements (by at least 20%)


Soil and plant health optimized

Overdose doesn’t destroy the plants.

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Benefits of using Growfast

Azotobacter & PSB technology.


No harmful GMO’s. No leaching.


No side effects.


Overdose does not destroy plants.


No risk of toxic build up of chemicals and salts.


Reduces pests and diseases.


Boosted brix levels.


Increases water holding capacity.


Reduces labor related costs.


Improves soil quality and structure.

Yield-Enhancer 1L
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Growfast is available at the following distributors and locations in Botswana 

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© 2022 by Grow Fast. Proudly by Grow Fast

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